My Learning Curve

STEP ONE: Growing up, I would watch my dad lean his back up against the kitchen sink as he tied his tie in the middle of packing his lunch while  ate my cereal at the table. He wasn’t getting ready to spend the day in a cubicle or behind a desk, rather, the front of the classroom. I still don’t know how to a tie a tie myself, but I did learn that my dad chose (and still chooses) to dress up everyday for school as a way to show he takes pride in his work. This when I learned anything and everything I do will have my name on it and I better be darn proud of it


My dad and one of his many ties

STEP TWO: Flashback: Career Day 2002. While my classmates begged their parents for outfits resembling pop stars and rock gods, pro athletes and presidents, I marched home and informed my mom I was in desperate need of “teacher clothes”. A few days later I waltzed onto the playground decked in full teacher gear from bun to polished off-brand Mary Janes. I don’t know how many times I had to answer my curious classmates’ question, “What are you suppose to be?”, but each time I proudly exclaimed, “I am a teacher!” As anyone would predict, my fellow first grade classmates were baffled and bewildered at why I would be a teacher when I could be dressed as a super model instead. This is the precise moment I realized not everyone loved school and books as much as me. But that was also about the time I was taught that other peoples’ opinions of me are fairly insignificant.


Me exemplifying my love for books and instruction early on

STEP THREE: So we all remember taking those aptitude tests in elementary and middle school when becoming an astronaut or a Hollywood director seemed like a possible fantasy. With my supposed people skills and indecisive generic responses, I always ended up with predictions in service fields that require minimal education. Job titles such as ‘taxi driver’, ‘waiter’, ‘crossing guard’ and, I remember quite clearly, ‘chimney sweep’. Whenever I received these results, I would look at them with a positive attitude, knowing they didn’t really matter – I was going to be a teacher. What theses tests did teach me though, is that teaching takes effort and the want to be there: not just anyone can do this job.


Improving my education to improve education for others

STEP FOUR: The next image is a showcases an excited freshman ready to march onto a football field, but not alone. Yes, I was easy to spot because I was usually out of step, but I wailed out the low notes to balance out the melody; my part to help the others. As a part in many organizations, I have learned the value of teamwork and how I am just one gear in the machine of life. As a teacher I will be just one member of a facility, but my contributions will effect everyone else involved.


STEP FIVE:From the time I was a year and a half old, I have been a big sister. I have my five younger brothers and sisters to thank for teaching me responsibility, patience and unending love. This last image shows me with my favorite people.




4 thoughts on “My Learning Curve

  1. courtneymunger says:

    Mary Anne, I loved this post! I love how it all revolves around not just your journey as a learner, but as a teacher! I had a very similar upbringing as you did; both of my parents are teachers! Watching them teach as I grew up is what really inspired me to be a teacher as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Elisabeth Ellington says:

    I enjoyed your post so much! It seems like you really were born to be a teacher. My mother, aunts, and great-grandmother were all teachers. I fought it for a long time (I grew up determined NOT to be a teacher), but I eventually succumbed to the inevitable and truly can’t imagine a more interesting or rewarding career.

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