Summer Reading Plans

summer reading

My summer reading plan is one in the making. I don’t think I have ever approached reading with a plan, outside of school that is. I just sort of grab a book, open it, and get lost in the printed pages. This summer I have an extensive list of books to get lost in. Some of them are just titles on a notebook page, some old favorites and a few are ones I started that are still holding my place to come back to. Books and good friends are like that – timeless companions you can always come back to.

I enjoy reading romance novels classics, and, of course, YA novels. A few in my current line-up are; Salt of the Sea, The Rules of Civility, A Touch of Stardust and Lord of the Rings (to the satisfaction of my boyfriend).  I also have a few favorites I would like to reread (again) like Catcher in the Rye and The Lord of the Flies. The summer would not be complete if I did not read my favorite “Little House on the Prairie” as it is a tradition.

When I was younger, I was the kid who the library cut off after three reading logs because they thought I was in it for the dollar store prizes – what morons. Why would you tell a child they have read enough? Why would a library of all places tell a child to put books down after they reached a silly number? Even though I didn’t get to color in a new circle with each book I finished, I kept on reading because reading is worth so much more than a glittery, mom-hated sticky hand. Now I would probably be turned away from the program for age-related reasons, but that is not the sad part of this story. After this, I didn’t want anyone involved in my reading life. My reading was for me and my books. I prefer to read and think about my reading on my own so I have never actively searched out a book club back home for the simple reason that I do not wish to be in one. I know now that my perspective, ideas and even writing skills can and will improve with literary discussion. Knowing this, I can work on being more open-minded towards book clubs.

As for a reading challenge, I would like to make sure I am reading a sustainable amount at least once a day. I don’t want to set a book goal or a number to reach because I would rather read for enjoyment than under pressure during the summers.

3 thoughts on “Summer Reading Plans

  1. Zane Hesting says:

    Sorry about your traumatic reading experience when you were younger! Just another sign that reading for rewards is flawed, but hopefully the tide can shift. I’m right there with you on reading goals. It seems if I make a huge list of titles to read I can’t cope with the pressure that comes with it. Happy reading adventures!


  2. seetheworldinbooks says:

    Those librarians has one job! I can’t believe they cut you off from reading. That’s insane. I applaud you for keeping the momentum regardless of their idiocy. You’d think they’d celebrate your passion. Congratulations on getting that reading is a gift itself, and needs no reward, for the words themselves are the reward. Have a great summer reading for fun. I look forward to reading without deadline or thinking about how I will blog about it, although I loved the IMWAYR posts, they were this class’ version of the Book Talk. Enjoy your summer, and happy reading!


  3. lizkrohn says:

    The last time I approached reading with a plan I was in middle school and trying to complete the summer reading challenge at my library. I will never forget how excited I was when I would finish another book and be able to check it off my list. I love that your post reminded me of this!!


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